Monday, May 25, 2009

John Schmidt arrangement

Taylor Swift meets coldplay. Watch the whole thing I promise you won't be disapointed

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today was fun. We decided that we wanted to use our ice cream maker that we got for our wedding. It was kind of fun and the ice cream was really good.Also my nephew Gavin came over tonight. He is so much fun and so smart. He is such a sweet little boy. This is him watching Sterling put ice in the ice cream maker He was actually giving me some good smiles for the pictures. Look at those blue eyes.

I also did some more practicing with arranging. These ones are for my sweet grandma Harper for mother's day.

Cilantro king

My Sterling is such a good eater. The other night he made this big huge salad with red, green peppers, romaine, corn, kidney beans, onion, broccoli, chicken, salsa ranch dressing, a corn tortilla shell and tons of cilantro. He was pretty proud of his big salad and wanted me to get a picture of him with it. I thought I should post it on our blog and tell Sterling that his recipe book is long past due. I love the food you make Sterling, it's yummy.


